On William Lyons’ short films about Wittgenstein (The Examination) and Arendt (The Letter).

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It was a very rewarding experience analyze William Lyon’s The Crooked Roads (2015) and The Fir Tree and the Ivy (2019). Both works are plays focus on Wittgenstein’s and Arendt’s lives. The lives of those philosophers have been depicted during the last decades by many scholars and filmmakers. For example, Jarman’s Wittgenstein (1993) as well as Ada Ushpiz documentary on Arendt’s life Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt (2015) are key milestones in the field of films on Contemporary History of Philosophy. Lyon’s plays are the result of a careful study of the life and the challenges that Arendt and Wittgenstein had to face during their lives. So, here I leave you a short essay about Lyons’ plays. I would like to thank professor Williams for his dedicated advices as well as Carlos Roos and Johan Siebers for letting me be part of the issue 1 of the volume 11 of Empedocles Journal for the Philosophy of Communication.


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